Quick Trouble Shooting Tips

IP Phones and IP Phone Devices are similar to computers. Like computers, if the IP Phone ever got “un-registered” or starts misbehaving, a simple reboot can fix most issues.
Unplug the power to the IP Phone, waiting 10 seconds, and then re-plug the power back in.
Over time, your network switch & router get to a point that they need to be power-cycled. If your IP Phone is plugged in correctly to your local network, and your router is unable to assign an IP Address to your router, the issue may be with your router. Recheck all network connections, power-cycle your network router, then power cycle your network switch. When your Router’s Power, Internet, and Local Network lights return to green, then power cycle your IP Phone.
IP Phones are usually configure to get the current time from your Network Router. Depending on your type of Router, this may not always work right. If you have logged in to your Network Router and verified it’s time is set correctly, call Voipia for Technical Support: 888-486-4742.
Our Techs will adjust your Phone’s Configuration File.
When using an IP Phone, if the person can hear you, but you cannot hear them: This may be caused by a Router Firewall. The Firewall is blocking the inbound conversation. If you are allowed to turn-off your Firewall, this may quickly fix the issue. If not call Voipia for Technical Support: 888-486-4742.
If shortly after the call starts, it then drops: This may be caused by your Router Firewall. The Firewall is closing the communication channel between you and Voipia. If you are allowed to turn-off your Firewall, this may quickly fix the issue. If not call Voipia for Technical Support: 888-486-4742
When using an IP Phone, if the person can hear you, but you cannot hear them: This may be your Phone’s Volume. Some customers accidentally turn-down the IP Phones Handset volume. While on a call and unable to hear the remote person, increase the Phone’s Volume. If increasing the Phone’s Volume does not work, call Voipia for Technical Support: 888-486-4742.
If your IP Phones keep registering and then unregistering, if could be SIP ALG: As VoIP popularity grows, Routers will include special features to attempt to prioritize VoIP packets. Features like this may not always work. Disabling the SIP ALG Feature in your Router may fix the registration issue. If you are allowed to make changes to your router, and you need help, call Voipia for Technical Support: 888-486-4742